First Date

September 13, 2023 Off By Patrick Owens

Aunt Laurie’s Question: Do you remember the first date you ever had?

It depends on what you call a date. My first experience with a girl–Cherie Baumgartner, fifth grade–was memorable. All the boys hovered around Cherie because she was already developing a mature figure. We lived near each other, and one day decided to take a long walk to the river and have a picnic. We talked and fooled around a little, nothing steamy, but it was nice.

On the way home, I really had to pee. There were plenty of trees to step behind, but I was too embarrassed. So I wet my pants. Khakis. To keep Cherie from seeing the dark spot on my right thigh, I walked sort of sidewise. She knew what I was hiding, of course. It is not a good memory.

One of my first actual dates, where you picked up a girl and went someplace—my father drove to the junior prom; her father picked us up—was with Carol Jean Paoli. She was really cute, and all the jocks were after her. But she went with me. Wow! 

Later I found why I beat out the big guys. It was humbling. Her father considered me safe.

Poppa / Patrick / Whatever

19 December 2022